Eileen’s Magic Moment

Eileen has always been a keen animal lover, and has a passion for all animals, but especially dogs which shines through in her personality.
She has formed a close bond with our in house doggie Selly. Each day Eileen listens out for the jingle of the bells on Selly’s collar as she arrives at the Anchorage. Eileen will quite often meet Kate and Selly in the corridor for a cuddle after breakfast. Selly enjoys her time with Eileen, she has become her companion, her friend and always a reason for Eileen to smile.
Liz our Lifestyle Manager, was discussing Magic moments with Eileen over afternoon tea one day, when Eileen said that she would love to spend some more time with the dog, and give her a bath. Now we all know, how much Selly enjoy attention, so this was not a problem at all to organise.
A beautiful old fashioned bath was leant to us by a team member, and all of Selly’s bathing and grooming kit arranged to be here.
Eileen was beaming with smiles and emotion from the moment she made her way to her magic moment, till she had completed it. Selly of course was perfect, and enjoyed a full on grooming session as well as a bath and dry off. An abundance of cuddles readily available to end the magic moment perfectly. The emotional benefits from this were huge, Its known that pet therapy touches humans psychologically, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Because Selly needs Eileen for who she is, she can be just that.. No Judgement…No expectations … other than a treat maybe.